Monday, April 11, 2022

 This blog has been sitting stagnant for far too long. There needs to be updates since 2014 and more stories added. I have been slacking. I have notes here and there with story ideas. Still having crazy dreams and random daymares. 

One thing that I have been tossing about is incorporating my lifelong love of unusual names into some creative writing. I used to read the phone book just to read names and find a gem. I'm not talking Ima Pig, I'm talking amazing names like Diamond Winchester, ZiNiya Culpepper, Vidamay Johnson or Minnie Franks. My favorite cook when I was student teaching at a childcare center was a wonderful woman named, Mrs. Rifflemaker. I had made up a ditty about Mrs. Rifflemaker many, many years ago. 

Mrs. Rifflermaker had a waffle maker. 

Mrs. Rifflemaker was a master baker and wouldn't give a bellyache or any ills to the kids at Learning Town. 

Seems I don't recall the whole thing, lol. I was going to turn it into a children's book. I will have to revisit that one. It appears I've lost the middle of it!! 

I've collected names from every job I have ever worked, from people I have met in real life to names on tombstones when I have walked in cemetaries. I find small post-it notes everywhere in  my house, in side books, drawers and with old school papers with names on it. I can usually look at the name and tell you where I was working and found that gem.

I was thinking of how Ransom Riggs (speaking of spectacular names) wrote the Miss Peregrine books based on photographs he had found. He created characters and elaborate stories that led to five books and a movie, all based on his imagination and those photos. What if I took that same concept and gathered all my post-it notes of names I have saved over the years and turned them into stories? Again, ever the lazy English lit student, I can tell a story but it will be grammatically challenged to say the least. I don't have visions of grandeur but just want to see what I can do with this concept. 

So I just might be back....maybe....could be.....


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